Our Mission
St. Alphonsus School is a place where all involved form a FAMILY which ministers together to provide a loving, safe, Christian environment where all feel accepted and respected and where each member of the family is challenged, encouraged, and empowered to develop into a whole person who uses his/her gifts to build up the Kingdom of God.
Vision Statement
Students in this school
Are very precious
Individuals entrusted by God and parents to be
Natured with care and
Tenderly loved yet
Always challenged to
Live up to their highest
Personal potential. They are
Helped by a competent, dedicated staff and loving Parents to be their
Own persons, standing tall, yet
Not forgetting their Christian call to reverence one another and to
Share generously their God-given
Unique gifts and talents with others in God's
Society, the world we live in.
St Alphonsus School is a place where all involved form a FAMILY which ministers together to provide a loving, safe, Christian environment where all feel accepted and respected and where each member of the family is challenged, encouraged and empowered to develop into a whole person who uses his/her gifts to build up the kingdom of God.
School News
Coming Events
Let us keep one another in prayer.
God is always with us; so we have nothing to fear.
May the light of God surround you.
May the love of God enfold you.
May the power of God protect you.
May God place His healing hands upon you
And keep you free from all illness.
May the presence of God watch over you.
Wherever you are, God is there.